About All-on-4 Dental Implants

When you are missing one or more teeth, traditional dental implants are a good solution for replacing them. But if you are missing four or more teeth in one jaw, these implants may not be a great choice because they can look off-center and cause problems with chewing. With All-on-4 implants however, we will replace all of your missing teeth at once. This can save time and money because there are fewer appointments involved in performing each implant surgery.

Advantages of All-on-4

All-on-4 dental implants procedures provide several advantages over other tooth replacement options like dentures and partials. Benefits of having the All-on-4 treatment include a natural appearance, better support and longer lasting teeth. Simply put, All-on-4 is easier, faster, more comfortable and all in all less expensive than traditional multiple implants. Call us today if you are ready to learn more!

Financial Options at Parkway Dental Center, Starting as Low as $350/Month

Your insurance company may cover all or part of implant treatment — give us a call today at 612-824-4211 to find out if your policy includes coverage for dental implants. If not, we will outline other affordable ways to finance treatment and make sure every option is available to you before moving forward with any procedure. The good news is that our office offers financing options to help cover costs affiliated with dental implants. These options are all outlined in a financial plan tailored for your individual needs, meaning you will have peace of mind knowing exactly how much each phase will cost so there are no surprises further down the road.

To learn more about our implant-supported dentures and bridges in Minneapolis, Minnesota, get in touch with Dr. Catalin Constantin at Parkway Dental Center. Call 612-824-4211 for an appointment. Our dedicated team will gladly assist you!