Many people are interested in getting natural looking, fuller lips. Some feel that thin lips look unattractive, but they are not aware that aging and loss of collagen are just a few of the reasons lips become thin. Having thin lips can be a problem for people who are born with naturally thin lips or for those who have lost volume in their lips because of aging.

Luckily, our Minneapolis office now offers natural, breakthrough options to achieve the volume you want for your lips and help make them fuller.

Lip Enhancement Minneapolis

NEW! Instant Lip Volume With Bio PRF Injectables

Our office is always searching for innovative treatments to help our patients look and feel their best. We proudly offer natural alternatives on advanced services to generate optimal results with a good impact on your body. Introducing Bio PRF — an advanced injectable therapy that uses your body's own growth factor, making it 100% safe and customizable to you. We especially love Bio PRF injectable treatment as an option for patients who want a more natural, synthetic-free alternative with great, instant results in lip augmentation. Injecting your own PRF into the lips helps regenerate the fat cells due to a release of the growth factors. The result is a youthful glow, a restored lost color of the lips, making them look healthier and more radiant all over.

LipLase™ Plumping for Fuller Lips

Parkway Dental introduces LipLase — a natural, noninvasive procedure that will make your lips fuller with the use of a laser. With an injection, the lips look fuller immediately. In the LipLase procedure, a Fotona laser is used to stimulate the body's natural collagen production. Fotona lasers are known to produce exquisite results through a unique combination of advanced laser technology and proprietary protocol modes designed to optimize lips augmentation procedures. It takes about six months of this natural procedure to build enough collagen in the lips so that they look smooth and rejuvenated. Our dentist will usually recommend a combination of both Bio PRF injectable and LipLase laser sessions.

Breakthrough Technology for Optimal Results

Parkway Dental Center in Minneapolis pairs an individualized care approach with some of the most modern technologies available in the world today. These state-of-the-art techniques help us provide an enhanced experience to our patients every step of the way and produce better, healthier results.

To learn more about dental services, get in touch with Dr. Catalin Constantin at Parkway Dental Center in Minneapolis, Minnesota. Call 612-824-4211 for an appointment. Our dedicated team will gladly assist you!